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Christian Renard

Hello ,I am Christian Renard, Aximark Founder. I work at the intersection of EdTech & Fintech to reimagine the interface between People & Organizations for the Smartphone & Web3 Age

Christian Renard's Bio:

Curious, creative and resilient,Christian Renard is a "Neo-Generalist". Specialist in 3 disciplines (Insurance, Data, Innovation) and multi-entrepreneur with a dual French and English speaking culture. He spent his professional life as an independent entrepreneur constantly adapting his outlook thanks to a patiently woven international network of thoughtleaders. With one foot in France and the other in the USA, he created, co-created or coached "micro-enterprises" at the edge of large organizations. This gives Christian Renard a unique experience to re-imagine the "human-centric" #postcovid19 architectures. As the Founder-CEO of Aximark. Christian Renard has been co-constructing multicultural and intergenerational bridges to facilitate the necessary culture change at the digital age. The key? Linking Past, Present, and Future, to identify what does not change, as much as what changes, and to revisit old practices with today's eyes. Christian Renard’s vision, experience, expertise and frameworks are key assets at a time when the development of Human Capital is the only way to cope with the acceleration of Technolgy and a growing uncertainty

Christian Renard's Experience:

Christian Renard's Education:

Christian Renard's Interests & Activities:

Golf, Ski, Jazz Piano, Travel, Internet, Conversational Technologies.

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